Our Family Happenings

Frosty Morning


We awoke last Saturday to this beautiful display of frosted trees. The night before was 14* cold, dreary and foggy. But this – this was spectacular. It was a breathtaking display during our long car ride to see  my brother on his birthday.

 Michael Maltzen 15th Bday BB game

Michael turned 15. (He’s red #13 pictured above.) That is so odd to me to say, because that is the same age I was when my mom told me she was pregnant with him, and it is exactly half my age now. I am so proud of the man he’s becoming. He’s fabulous with my kids, he’s a sweetheart and loves hugs, and he’s as smart as a whip – just like our dad. We went to his basketball game – which they won and we all enjoyed watching.


Michael Maltzen 15th Bday BB game


A side note: Breastfeeding in public has become much easier 7 months down the road. I have my homemade nursing covers and Jonathan just goes with the flow. However, he now thinks it is fun to reach his hand up and out to wave at anyone who may be looking!


2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool


For Valentine’s Day we took the kids to our timeshare resort’s pool. It was fabulous fun, especially as other families came in with their little kiddos. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be handling all those babies of mine. Afterwards we went out to eat, somewhere our kids wouldn’t ruin another couple’s valentine meal with their antsy legs and voices. While Tom and I enjoy a quiet evening out, this turned out to be the best day for us all.


2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool 2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool

Paul Bunyan greeting us as we enter Brainerd, MN.

Also, a cool display inside the welcome center.

 2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool 2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool

My swimmers are so brave now, wanting to be on their own.

 2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool2010 Valentine at Whitebirch resort pool

Jonathan was my swimming buddy, but Daddy took him for his first dip ever. He didn’t like it at first, but we soon found out he’s a splasher!


St Valentines Party at Austads


Monday we went to Jamie’s house for our homeschool co-ops’ valentines party. She was so gracious to have 26 kids and their mom’s in her home. We had a wonderful time and the kids are still enjoying their valentine’s cards and treats.


St Valentines Party at AustadsSt Valentines Party at Austads St Valentines Party at Austads  


Jonathan is my little “Heartbreaker” and Sabrina was a playful wanderer. But nobody strayed when it was time to eat the mouthwatering giant cookies Jamie had prepared. And when the sugar buzz set in, we sent them outside for some snow play.


Coloring our family

Yesterday during Mikayla’s 1st Communion prep lesson, we sat down to draw pictures of our family, remembering Jonathan’s baptism.


Mikayla drew:

Mikayla family drawing


Stanley drew:

Stanley family drawing


And Sabrina drew circles with faces for the first time as she watched the others draw theirs. Mommy added the bodies.


Sabrina family drawing 

It’s been fabulous! Thanks for reading.


May God bless you this Lenten Season.

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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