LENT Pray-Fast-Alms
As Christians, we are asked to humbly give of ourselves to God's will for us. To repent and start anew, accepting his Mercy and sharing His love. We can continue to renew this Christian journey each Lent! For 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday it is tradition to build virtue by Praying, Fasting and Almsgiving.
Some of us may need more specific ideas, or ideas that we can do together as a family for motivation. Each thing we do is a Sacrifice, meaning it isn't meant to be easy. It may be simple, but it is an true offering of our time, talents and treasures. If you don't find it challenging, perhaps you need to go beyond the basic task and give more, read more, volunteer more often, or take a lead role helping others be mindful of these opportunities.
I was inspired by a post on Team Whitaker blog. She gave a great starter idea for presenting these tasks on cards. Most know I am partial to ideas I can hang on Our Forever Tree, and this was right on! I came up with 36 ideas you can print, laminate and display as you'd like. More than enough to choose at least one a week of each category - Prayer, Fasting and Giving Alms. I added a blank page to add your own, and you could make enough to choose one a day for all 40 Days!
Laminate your set to use year after year. You can cross off what you've completed, or have children write on the blank cards.
Cut and pick them randomly from a jar. Punch holes in the tops to bind with a ring/string to flip through or to hang.
We decided to hang them on Our Forever Tree in place of the Jesus Tree Cards. Our call to action this season includes scripture reading, but my kids need to get their hands dirty in the world. They need to interact with people in our community, our church and our extended family in new ways. I think this will be just the motivation they need.
These cards are included in my LENT ACTIVITIES FOR FAMILIES 38pg PDF FILE!
These are for you to print for your family or classroom! I love great quality resources for parents and teachers, and I hope to continue to share my talents with all of you. In an effort to make sense of all the time I've spent putting these together for friends and strangers, I've added a fee for my printable documents. However, all my lesson plans and ideas remain free so included below is the full list.If you are more interested in the ideas, and not a fancy printed card as shown above, here are the ideas for FREE!
Pray a decade of the rosary as a family
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Go to your church's Stations of the Cross
Learn a song sung during Lent
Go to Adoration to visit Jesus
Pray for the weak, poor, suppressed and unborn
Pray for the healing of the sick and dying people
Pray for a conversion of hearts
Learn a new prayer or make up a new one
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your life
Say nothing but prayers of thanksgiving!
Make a morning offering of your day.
Fast from screen time (TV, Computer, Tablet, Gaming, Smartphone)
Fast from saying anything negative
Fast from giving up - do your best!
Fast from over scheduling. Plan for quiet time.
Take time to call a friend
Read a book about a Saint
Drink only water for the week
Dress modest or humbly, or talk to others how they can do it.
Take 15 minutes to read the Bible each day
Eat plain food with no seasonings for a day (or more)
Fast from music except for Christian or instrumental songs
Don't spend any money this week
Make a donation of toys or clothes
Do a chore without being asked
Visit an elderly person
Find change for your rice bowl, add more bills than coins!
Volunteer at a food shelf or food packing location
Take a meal or treat to a new mother, ask how you can help them.
Donate food to your food shelf
Find a new way to volunteer at church
Greet a new person after Mass this weekend
Donate the amount of money you'd spend eating out
Make something crafty to give
Visit a friend and put them first in all activities and conversation
Find new ways to help at home
Share below in the comments some of the ideas you wrote on your card set!
Have a Blessed Lenten Season!
All activities have been moved to my Homegrown Catholics Blog. Click on the links below for many ideas to enrich your Lenten Journey.