Marian Gardens

Well, spring is finally here - not just on the calendar, but the weather too! I am so excited. After this weekend, I will be ready to plan out our backyard garden/landscaping project. I know I've always wanted to have a Marian Garden, and I found this wonderful website with some ideas:

Main website:

Homeschooling Mary Gardens

It's going to be challenging because we have pine trees back there, so I need find a good spot first. Then near the pine tree line, I am most likely going to plant hardy flowers and bushes that represent times in our life and christian symbolism.

I am thinking there will be hydrangeas, our wedding flower. For Christian plants, I found Bishops Hats, Jacobs Ladder, Cardinal Flower, and a few others. It will be interesting.

Pass on any ideas you've had!

Religious Name / Common Name / Botanical Name

Virgin's Tears/ Lungwort /Pulmonaria officinalis
Our Lady's Keys /Cowslip Primrose /Primula veris
Eyes of Mary /Forget-me-not /Myosotis alpestris
Our Lady's Delight /Pansy/ Viola tricolor
Pincushion /Thrift /Armeria mariima
Shoes /Columbine /Aquilegia vulgaris
Our Lady's Thimble /Bluebells of Scotland /Campanula rotundifolia
Madonna's Pins /Wild Geranium /Geranium maculatum
Mystical Rose /Rose /Rosa
Our Lady's Gloves /Foxglove /Digitalis purpurea
Our Lady's Nightcap /Canterbury Bells /Campanula medium
Mary's Candle /Giant Mullein /Verbascum thapsus
Mary's Hand /Five Fingers /Potentilla nepalensis
Rose of Mary/ Rose Campion /Lychnis coronaria
Madonna Lily /Madonna Lily /Lilium candidum
Mary's Gold /Marigold /Tagetes
Mary's Bud /Pot Marigold /Calendula officinalis
Our Lady's Earrings /Garden Balsam/ Impatiens balsaminum
Mary's Thistle /Blessed Tnistle /Silybum marianum
Virgin Flower /Periwinkle /Vinca minor
St. Joseph's Staff /Hollyhock /Althea rosea
Mary's Slippers /Monkshood /Aconitum napellus
Our Lady by-the-gate /Soapwort /Saponaria officinalis
Assumption Lily/ Funkia /Hosta plantaginea
O. L. Birthday Flower/ Early Aster /Aster amellus
chrysanthemums /Chrysanthemum /Chrysanthemum
Our Lady's Bedstraw /Yellow Bedstraw /Gallium verum
Our Lady's Pincushion/ Scabiosa /Scabiosa atropurpurea
Our Lady's Fingers /Honeysuckle /Lonicera caprifolium
Easter Flower /Candytuft/ Iberis semperflorens
Our Lady's Tears/ Spiderwort /Tradescantia virginiana

(list found here)

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