A Fresh Start!

I decided to get a fresh start on myself after sharing in 2 hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with my new best friend, Jamie. Last night we bound our homeschool group's yearbooks from 7-9:30pm, went to adoration from 10-12, then resumed with the yearbooks until 2:30am! What a gal!

It was wonderful to find out how much we have in common, including family life, struggles and joys in our pasts, and current struggles we are trying to overcome. I truly look forward to more time with her. My mom says she's the friend we've been praying for to find me. Don't get me wrong, Tom is my best friend. But every woman needs a girlfriend to talk to, right?
I was even amazed that we have both been to Medjugorje! Of course she was about 24 years old, and I was only 7. Any of you been there?

Here are my newest realizations:

*Leaving this blog for family stuff, and using my other blog for my deepest thoughts of the day that mostly pertain to myself. I invite you all to subscribe to my other blog found at: What I Like About You

*Taking on a new calm feeling about NOT attending my ten year high school reunion. Why am I getting so worked up about meeting people I haven't been friends with in so long, and will never get together with them again anyways? And most of my freinds aren't going either. First I was going to go, because that's just what you do. Then I found out it would cost well over $100 to go between fees, drinks and babysitting. Being broke I said no. Now with Tom back to work, he said I could go if it meant a lot to me - and after adoration last night, I could say "no" with such ease.

*Approaching my role as a mother and wife at home with a new zeal. Taking on the ways of St. Therese, I will be certain that every little thing I do is for the honor of God, instead of just something I have to do.
>>>"You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them." - St. Therese

*God doesn't make "ugly." I want to approach my weight loss in a graceful way. Knowing that the beauty of the Lord can shine through my outward appearance as a large woman or a healthy size. With this confidence, that I am His beautiful creation, I can simply act in a healthy manner to take care of myself - going to the Lord whenever I struggle.
>>>"What beauty? I don't see my beauty at all; I see only the graces I've received from God." -St. Therese

*I'm recharging my prayer life, starting today!
*"I can do all things through God who strengthens me."

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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