Feast of St. Nicholas - Dec 6th
The St. Nicholas Center
Click on this link above to find out more about St. Nick, kids activities , ways to celebrate and more! It's simply incredible what they have on this website for info and activities.
Who is St. Nicholas? and why do we hang stockings on our fireplaces?

Who is St. Nicholas? and why do we hang stockings on our fireplaces?

When I was 19 I went caroling in German with some of my friends and other kids, the first homeschoolers I'd ever met. One of my favorite songs was: Lasst Uns Froh und Munter Sein [Let's Be Glad and Full of Cheer] Click on the song for lyrics in german and english and the tune.
Let's be glad and full of cheer,
Soon St. Nicholas' Day is here.
Refrain:Happy, happy, happy as can be,
Soon St. Nicholas comes to me
Soon St. Nicholas comes to me.
When at last the school day ends,
Home I'll go with all my friends. R
I will shine my shoes so bright,
So St. Nick will come tonight.R
When I sleep, I'll dream of him
And the lovely things he'll bring.R
When I wake, I'll run and see
What St. Nick has left for me.R
Thankful I will always be,
That he's been so good to me.R
Nicholas of Myra - the movie coming in 2009!
Of course we will be visiting St. Nicholas at our church (St. Francis Xavier) on Dec 7th. We had so much fun last year, we can't wait to visit him again and thank him for the gifts that were found in our stockings.