In a Heartbeat!

I found out I was pregnant just before Thanksgiving. I could barely believe it. I even took another test Dec 1st. Silly - I know.

And with the spotting I wrote about before, we rushed to the ER on the feast of St. Nicholas. The doctor told us the progress of the hormones and ultrasound wasn't matching our dates. The Mass for the Immaculate Conception was just the boost of prayer I was looking for. I teared up the whole time.

So every 2 days this past week I've gone back for tests. Today was one of them, which also included an ultrasound.

Our baby is growing - 4mm, with a normal heartbeat -100bpm.... for a 6wk 5day baby (not 7wk 2 days as we thought). Who cares - he has a heartbeat, he's grown!!!!! So our new due date is about August 7, 2009. Though we will deliver c-section sometime in July.
Praise be Jesus, Mary and all the angels and saints. St. Joseph, St. Nicholas, St. Gerard Majella... and THANK YOU all you prayer warriors out there offering prayers and masses for our baby.
The hormones aren't doubling every two days, but I am no longer worried. No more tests for me. It's been a VERY BAD week of emotional ups and downs. I am stopping with this good news! I trust in God alone who takes care of all my needs. Now I can really go out and celebrate - and feel cheery this holiday season.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
God Bless you and yours!

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