
Yesterday I felt the first flutter of our little baby. It was my 16 week appointment, so I got to hear his/her heart beat also - which is healthy!

Obviously not my belly! But awe inspiring.

I write as I feel more fluttering, and my heart is so softened by its presence. The real present - my gift from God. It has been a few months of feeling icky, but I accepted it all because of moments like these that I look forward to.

I opted to take the quad serum test, which can give indicators if there is a possiblity of Downs, Trisomy 18, or neural tube defects. The first two would not have any bearing on the pregnancy, just help me prepare for the future. The third could change the hospital location. I asked the NP why this test is done, and why you can just opt for indicators of the third defect. Well she said kindly, but bluntly - I'm guessing you would not choose to abort if the baby had Downs Syndrome? That it would just be helpful to know. I agreed. But at the same time it strained my heart to think that some mothers have made it this far, and give way to fear of birth defects. That the "possiblity" of a defect would turn them to decide to terminate their little life. Even if it was "most likely" they'd have a disorder, I could never turn my back on my own child.

Many babies are miscarried when there is something not right with the development of a child. Sadly, sometimes it ends up in stillbirth. But that is God's natural way. If by some chance, a child with any "defect" in secular human perception were to be born and survive.... that is a miracle in God's own making. This child obviously has purpose.

>Faces of Trisomy 18 - how precious they are in His sight!

Where have humans conjured up this belief that the child would be better off dead? Since when has that ever been our choice? Do these people see the future? No. Do they have the insight of God? No. They don't even know their own purpose in life. What if their mother had decided that THEY were not worth it, not adequate, a mistake? That's simply not for us to decide.

I agree, life is tough. But it is those challenges that make us stronger, and we can grow from them, and be blessed by God when we accept those challenges head on.

God's peace surpasses all understanding.

With God, anything is possible. (and this)

Love Bears all things, Believes all things, Hopes all things, Endures all Things - 1 Corinthians 13:7

God never gives you more than you can handle. 1 Corinthians 10:13

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

God Bless you and yours!

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