This Miracle of Life Inside of Me

After 6 pregnancies, videos and images like these still amaze me. I hope you have a short moment to take a peek at the miracle of life - and pass it on to your friends and family.

We acknowledged the life of our newest baby at the moment of conception. I just had that feeling I got all 6 times. I was able to follow along with the growth charts online to see how he/she is growing, before I even got a positive pregnancy test. Most women don't even realize they're pregnant until their child looks more like a "baby," even though I could realize the beauty and humanity of my child when it was just a blob-like embryo. He or she already had a soul and a place in the Book of Life. Each one of those frozen embryos in the stem cell research facilities has a soul and the right to life, as well as unalienable human rights as listed in our constitution.

So here I am, watching this beautiful video among others, and wondering what the heck are our government leaders thinking? While my already jumbo bra underwire snaps and pinches my bossom, I prick myself 11 times a day with Gestational Diabetes, and I get kicked around on a regular basis by this little baby inside me, I still can't imagine giving him up to abortion for personal comfort. I am never ready for another child, but each one is a gift given to me in God's own time and understanding of this child's purpose. How can anyone reject a gift from God, unless they didn't know that's what it was?

God Bless you and yours!

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