The 7 Year Itch

Happy 7th Anniversary Tom!

Today we celebrate 7 years of marriage, filled with joys and sorrows that have made us fall deeper in love and grow closer to Christ. I can certainly understand why some call this the seven year itch. In recent years, they've added a three year itch which I've seen affect marriages in our circle of acquaintences. It's during these years that we too seem to be tested with new challenges. We certainly have had our moments of agitation against each other. But what makes our love different than those who fail the test, is that including God in this Sacramental Marriage pulls us closer together instead of apart. Where some may give in or give up, we give of ourselves to each other. We "Let Go, and Let God" take the steering wheel for awhile. He always leads us to where we need to be, and we Trust that every day.

Sacramental Marriage, the kind found in the Catholic Church, is more than a wedding or a document. It's an outpouring of God's graces on every moment of our married life. It's ONLY by the grace of God that we've made it this far in our marriage, our lifestyle and in our own sanity. It's our faith in Him and in each other that keeps me confident that as long as we both shall live, we will be together and happy.

I can only wish this same happiness for you in your marraige. For more information on living a sacramental marriage, check out these links...

For Your Marriage: USCCB

World Wide Marriage Encounter

The Love Dare & Fireproof the Movie


Having a Catholic Wedding

God Bless you and yours!

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