Counting Down to a Vacation

 TO Florida Route.jpg
We are planning a vacation as we speak. On an unmentionable date we’re heading down to Orlando, Florida! We are so excited and the kids got in on the excitement right away.

We thought about waiting until the last minute to tell them, but this is one of those incentive moments, where we can bribe them to finish their school! But every time we get into the car, or talk about going somewhere – Stanley and Sabrina are quick to ask if we’re leaving for Florida. [Nothing packed mind you and a long time away.] Since it worked so well last year, I devised another countdown chart to ease the tension. Once we get to the 30 day mark, this is what’s ready.

It’s a puzzle of sorts, where each day’s card completes a part of the puzzle to reveal some adventures we’ll go on. I got this piece of cardboard from Sam’s Club. They always have tons of this stuff for free. (Makes great project boards or art canvases!)

Florida Countdown

Here are the puzzle pieces. Print this sheet of numbers on cardstock or business card perforated paper. Then print 3 8x10 images of where you are going on the other side. I chose a postcard image of the state, an image of the resort fun, and in this case – a photo of all the Disney characters! Cut or tear apart.

Florida Countdown
disney group1

Florida Countdown
Then have them glue one on every day as you countdown to ???????

Florida Countdown
Sabrina is looking forward to meeting Tinkerbell! Stanley will get shy when he meets Buzz Lightyear and Woody. And Mikayla will have the biggest hugs for all the Princesses. I am hoping Jonathan won’t freak out like my brother did when he sees Pooh? Tom and I are looking forward to the whole adventure, which we’ll be sharing with my parents, siblings and guest.

If anyone wants to share some helpful hints
about taking little kids on
a two day drive (one way)
***Please share!!!!***


HT: MySpace Graphicsand other free images.

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