Holy Week and Easter Plans 2012

Here is this year's line up of activities (besides Mass) for our Holy Week. I'm happy to add a few new ideas and pass on the ones that I thought were awesome and the kids had other thoughts. I have just a few moments to put this together since I sent the kids outside for a much needed break. I hope it helps inspire you! Many ideas are for elementary ages, but there are some good ideas and book suggestions below teens/adults shouldn't miss.


> Spirit4Teens has a good article about almsgiving with ideas for all ages. For those who gave up candy, coffee, etc for Lent they suggest giving the money you would have spend on those items to charity.
> Catholic Youth Ministry.com discusses Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Alms being not just money… it's sharing our Time, Talents and Treasure. How much of your time can you give to service in your church and community? God gave us hands for more than helping ourselves!
> Biblewise.com had these great ideas:
  • Help someone in need, even if it means washing feet, dishes, clothes, etc.
  • Join or start a club that provides community service. Help beautify by planting trees, picking up garbage, or doing something that your community needs.
  • Start an Easter food drive. Easter is about the resurrection - "He is risen!" What better opportunity to uplift the lives of those in need! Usually food drives are done at Thanksgiving and Christmas. But there are people who need food throughout the year. You can donate food to a local charity organization or shelter.
  • "Resurrect" - that is, uplift! - the thoughts and actions of those around you: refuse to take offense or be brought "down" by someone's comments or attitude. Instead, lift up the general atmosphere by loving your neighbor!
O is for Offering Box

Catholic Icing idea - Palm and Foot Sunday Poster


Unleavened Bread Meal & Bible Time
Have Dad or older kids read the gospel story.

I'll probably pull out My Mass Kit by Wee Believers to demonstrate more slowly the Eucharistic Celebration to our children.
Jesus Serving Massmass kit wee believers

Catholic Icing idea: Passion Playset

Movies: The Passion of The Christ, The Animated Passion, Twas the Night Before Easter, Easter Carol


Stations Matchup

Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages (Please go to the top link for access to this printable)

Stations of the Cross with Mini Picture - Made by Our Kids

- Familia Catolica's Stations using these images are a great idea I suggest you check out! Olivas used these images I found at GospelGlass.com. The link above is my redrawing of them to be colored. I have since shrunk them into the sizes below so you can make the project she thoughtfully created!

She took the ressurrected Jesus and replaced all her images with these on Easter Sunday, along with white ribbons. That info below with Easter Activities.

Sorrowful Mysteries - Crosses We Bear Rosary Hangers
2010 03 11_Lent-Easter_0003Rosary Hangers
  Ask your children to carry a wooden cross with them for the remainder of Lent. At times it will be hard or bothersome. It may get worn, dented, scratched or colored on. When asked to do something, they take their “cross” with them and offer it up. When they are wondering if they should do something questionable, such as watch a tv program, they need to ask themselves - “Would Jesus want to do this with me?” If the answer is no, then stop.
  At Easter, we will take a good look at our crosses and talk about it. Then we will grab bright paints, painting our crosses to look bright and new as Jesus’ body on Easter morning when he rose from the dead. Attach hooks near the bottom and use these as
rosary hangers.

" When you carry a Rosary, Satan has a headache.
When you use it, he collapses.
When he sees you praying it, he faints."


Our World and the Eternal-p1
Discussion: Where am I headed and how do I get there from here?
Helping children learn about Heaven, Purgatory, Hell and Earth is difficult if you don't understand it yourself. While there are no definite answers, here is my interpretation of what I've learned. Click and Print each page to read. Below are also more links to enrichment activities and resources.
Our World and the Eternal-p2Our World and the Eternal-p3Our World and the Eternal-p4

Childrens Books:

Adult Books:
  • After this Life: What Catholics Believe About What Happens Next by Fr. Benedict Groeschel
  • The Great Divorce by CS Lewis
  • Hungry Souls by Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg
  • The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn
  • The Visions of the Children by Janice Connell

Movies (parental discretion):
  • What Dreams May Come (1998)
  • Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Where Narnia Meets Faith
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven
  • Heart and Souls (1993)

Life Links:
Read more about visionaries who have seen Purgatory.


Biblewise.com has a lot to say about "resurrecting" or "restoring life to" ourselves spiritually and emotionally. Decide now what old thoughts do we have to purge about ourselves that don't reflect the beautiful life God gave us? What fruitful activities can we do daily to spiritually restore us? What can we do for others to help them become resurrected? Click here to read more and get great ideas: Resurrection Month: Make a Difference

Paschal Candle with Crown of Thorns changed into a King's Crown!
If you made a salt-dough crown of thorns, Easter is the perfect time to paint it up bright for a centerpiece. We added tissue paper lilies and a paschal candle.

50 Days of Easter Tree
Plastic eggs hang from Our Forever Tree, numbered 1-50 and holding scriptures. Treats no longer inside because little ones figured it out and raided the eggs.

Resurrected Crosses
Just as Olivas at Familia Catolica designed the Stations of the Cross using my printouts, here are the resurrected Jesus images as she requested to change over the crosses to Easter Crosses with white ribbons.

We Light up our Easter Tree
2010 03 11_Lent-Easter_0002
This is made from a light up tree, adding silk flowers on the ends for a cherry blossom look. Conceal cord in the vase with faux eggs and embellish vase with vinyl stickers.

We also do Easter Baskets & An Egg Hunt
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Copyright, Answers in Genesis.Copyright, Answers in Genesis.

So many more great ideas for Celebrating Easter with children at CatholicIcing.com. Many we hope to do in the coming years!

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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