Autumn Scenery

It was beautiful here, all the fall colors just outside our front door. I love our new place. This is just what it looked like one year ago when we made an offer to buy it. Fall, my favorite season.

fall scenery


Instead of snow days, we have nice days off. Then the wind came and blew it all away. Anyone else who doesn't like that brown season between fall color and snow!? We made up for the loss with many leaf piles to jump in. And shish-kabobs of leaves?

fall sceneryfall scenery


and dirty little boys. Wait, that's year-round. :)

fall sceneryfall scenery


But that cold, windy and rainy part of autumn seems to have taken that away too. So we get back to school work. Can you see how much she likes math?

Darn Math

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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