Happy Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day


Some call him Santa Claus, which is Santa=Saint and Claus is short for Nicklaus. Today (Dec 6th) Saint Nicholas, a Bishop of Myra, visits families around the world with the spirit of giving. He fills your shoes or stockings with delightful goodies, which may include chocolate, oranges and coins. He comes today, because Christmas Day is reserved for celebrating Jesus' Birthday! He comes from up north, in the realms of Heaven! Bearing gifts for the children who believe in him so dearly and follow in his footsteps of kindness and charity.


Saint Nicholas Day


He tiptoes where the stockings are hung, when all are sleeping.

Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day


What can you do on Saint Nicholas Day?

* The night before, be sure to set out your shoes, or hang up your stockings!

* Mini Stocking Directions for activities, advent calendar, etc

* That morning, open your stockings and have a breakfast with orange juice, and strawberry miter hats in cocoa krispie cereal. [Catholic Cuisine ideas here]

*Make St. Nicholas Crafts like this one:


[Directions for making Pocket Friends]


* Read more online or in a book about St. Nicholas

* Watch Veggie Tales St. Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving


Saint Nicholas Day

Read old posts about our traditions

* Homegrown Catholics: St. Nicholas Day Traditions

* Homegrown Catholics: Feast of St. Nicholas

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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