Can we do a project Mommy?

…of course we can!

What kid isn’t a fan of school projects that don’t require a workbook? My kids beg for hands on, and thanks to wonderful books and blogs – I have hundreds of things for them to do.

For science, we’re learning about plants – so of course our kitchen and other areas of our house are a designated Greenhouse. We’re growing beans, snap peas, roma tomatoes, basil, parsley, chives and grass. The flowers didn’t make it. But these greens are thriving!
Butch and Fro
These grass guys need regular haircuts! I would suggest these to any mother with children who love to cut or give haircuts to siblings and dollies. It grows back fast!
Speaking of kids who love scissors but shouldn’t…
Since the kids prefer to play outside, now that the snow has melted away to warmer days, we snack on our new home’s deck and find enticing ways to keep them on task. Because once they get into the backyard for recess, there’s no bringing them back inside until sundown. Below are my preschooler’s current favorite games to keep them occupied, while I help the older ones in their studies. Among other things I step on throughout the day. Smile

100_3555 Plastic Mosaics and Foam Shapes

Preschool projects (most found on Catholic Icing’s Catholic ABCs) turn into a group project, adjusting for each child’s level. We’ve really enjoyed project days, and love that these are faith-based.

Click on underlined links to old posts for:
#1 and 2: One God and Two by Two Ark,
Catholic ABCs - 2Catholic ABCs - 2

3 Persons Trinity -4 Gospels -5 Jerusalem Cross

A: Angels in my kitchen
B: Bible (and Beans – in this post)
C and D: Crucifix and Divine Mercy
E: Emmanuel
F: Fishers of Men – Fish,

G: Good shepherd and his sheep

H is for Hand and Holy Spirit
I is for Immaculate Conception of Mary (of St. Anne)
100_3552 A coloring page by Lacy @ Catholic Icing, as colored by my dear little Sabrina.
J is for St. Joseph the Worker
100_3553 a simple paper puppet I designed.
K is for King Jesus
100_3549 taking Lacy’s idea with what I had in my craft box. A styrofoam cup for the face, and paper plate cut, curled into a crown and decorated, then and a popsicle stick cross to clearly identify who is the King.

Looking forward to making Lights, Monstrance, Nuns, Offering, Prayer and Pope, Queen, Rosary, Saints,
>already made  T: Trinity
Finally, U, V, W, X, Y and Z still a surprise to us all!

Our School's Prayer

Our School's Prayer

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